There is a situation you need to mount USB Hard Disk into Linux Server, below are the simple steps to mount USB Hard Disk.
Step 1: download the ntfs-3g package from tuxera
Step 2: copy to Linux server if you downloaded from different machine.
Step 3: I have copied to the /opt folder
[root@Server opt]#tar zxvf ntfs-3g-xxxx.tgz
Step 4: Compile & install the ntfs-3g package.
[root@Server opt]#cd ntfs-3g-xxxx
[root@Server ntfs-3g-xxxx]#./configure
[root@Server ntfs-3g-xxxx]#make
[root@Server ntfs-3g-xxxx]#make install
Step 5:After successful installation you can mount the NTFS file system in Linux
You can identify the NTFS Hard Disk by executing below command.
[root@Server ~]#fdisk -l
Create mount point for the NTFS Hard Disk.
[root@Server ~]#mkdir /mnt/ntfs
After identifying the NTFS Hard Disk, you can mount the partition using below command.
[root@Server ~]#mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ntfs
You can verify the mounted devices by using below command.
[root@Server ~]#df -h